The treatment method developed by HFM Horst Fuhse Mineralölraffinerie GmbH across several years of research and development, is a completely new method for producing base oils in a way gentle to the material. On 26 May 2010, the European Patent Office has granted a Europe-wide patent for this.
The multi-stage method is capable of recycling used oils with a high percentage of synthetic oils as well as used, conventional lubricants. Base oil production is done in several steps, whereas the base oil is first freed from sediments and foreign contamination by deploying high-performance centrifuges operating without any interruptions. This is followed by a steam distillation removing all vaporable substances not belonging to the base oil under very mild conditions, thus gentle to the material.
Refining is the final step of removing all additive compounds, rubbed-off metals and soot. Here, unlike with other treatment methods, the outstanding viscosity-temperature behavior of modern high-performance lubricants is preserved. While to date viscosity values of only between 100 and 110 were able to be achieved, the new method by HFM Horst Fuhse Mineralölraffinerie GmbH makes base oils with viscosity values of between 130 and 140 possible. Further features of this new method are its very low energy requirements as well as an exceptionally high yield.